Terry Hersperger: A 1946 Cradle Baby

Cradle adoptee Terry is an avid supporter of The Cradle, saying that being adopted has given him an extraordinary perspective on parenting his own children. Terry counts July 12, 1946, as one of the luckiest days of his life. Only two months old at the time, Terry was adopted from The Cradle by Herman and […]
The Cestari Family’s Adoption Story: Two Generations of Cradle Babies

Alice and her two brothers were all adopted from The Cradle. When she decided to build her family, she knew The Cradle was where she needed to return. Alice Cestari originally shared this story in 2016. She passed away on January 29, 2020. The Cradle was only five years old when Alice Cestari was placed […]
“Traveling Nana” Betsy Berry: A 1939 Cradle Baby

Now a devoted grandmother, 1939 Cradle Baby Betsy Berry credits her adoption journey with her good life and fortune. Learn why Betsy holds a unique and special connection to The Cradle. Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Berry is a mother, grandmother, world traveler and a proud Cradle baby, Class of 1939. “I always knew I was adopted,” […]
Cradle Class of ‘45: Mary Hart Wilheit’s Adoption Story

Meet Mary Hart Keys Wilheit, a distinguished alumna of Cradle’s Adoption Class of ’45. She is grateful for the nurturing support. Read about Mary’s adoption journey and the lasting impact of The Cradle on her life and why she chose to give back. One word stands out in Mary Hart Wilheit’s Nursery record from 1945: […]
Finding Family: Dan’s Adoption Reunion Story

For Dan Lawlor, a search for his birth mother led to the discovery of an extended birth family he never knew. Read about how the search and reunion process transformed Dan’s notion of family and opened the door for new connections with many of his birth relatives. Not everyone gains a new family at age […]