Gift through IRA helping The Cradle help other children in need of families Joe O’Brien has done very well in life, and he credits his parents and The Cradle for his good fortune. “My adoptive parents, Joseph L. and Donna M. O’Brien, entered my life and it became one of the greatest events that ever […]
My Daughter Is Here: Welcoming Baby Mathilda

In Mathilda Webb’s room there is a very special framed picture of five people. It shows two-month-old Mathilda with four people who love her very much: her adoptive parents and her birth parents. The picture was taken at The Cradle on February 17, 2016, the day that Mathilda went home with Emily Meyer and Ed […]
Stories From The Red Couch

ABOUT THE FILM Cradle Adoptive Dad and Hollywood producer Dan Lanigan has beautifully captured 99 years of The Cradle’s work through emotional, uplifting and inspiring stories of adoption. Watch as 10 Cradle families return to The Cradle’s red couch to explore the beauty and complexities of adoption and share their experiences of working with The […]