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Celine & Julien

Hello, This is likely a difficult time for you, so the fact that you are even reading our profile means a lot to us. We hope that you will enjoy a peek inside our lives and enjoy getting an idea of the type of people we are and the parents we hope to be. We […]

Michael & Jordan

Hi, we’re Michael and Jordan! Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child. The Beginning of Our Story We met in 2011 on Chicago’s north side and quickly realized we had each found someone special. Three years later, just after marriage equality passed in Illinois, we tied the knot. Our journey is […]

Amanda & Zac

About Us Hello! We’re Amanda and Zac from Illinois, married for 13 years. We have no children of our own, despite many years of trying. We’ve come to adoption because we still have a strong desire to be parents, and we have a connection to adoption through Zac’s maternal grandmother who was adopted. We love […]

Brandon & Mia

Our Story We met through our mutual friend, April, who knew Mia since high school and was a college friend of Brandon’s. Brandon accidentally called April on her birthday in 2015, leading to a reconnection. Learning Brandon was back in Chicago and single, April suggested he meet her friend Mia, who also lived there. Initially […]

Nick & Nik

Hello! We are Nick and Nik, and we appreciate you taking the time to get to know our family! We understand that this is a huge choice to make and are honored to be among the families you are considering. We support you making the choice that feels right in your heart. We are thrilled […]

Eric & Matthew

Hello! Hola! We’re Eric and Matthew! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We really hope you feel our joy and commitment to becoming awesome dads. Ever since high school, when we first met over 13 years ago, the idea of being dads has been close to our hearts. Having a […]