It doesn’t matter how far along you are—it’s never too early or too late to reach out to us. When you’re ready, we can set up a time for you to meet with one of our counselors, at a place convenient to you.
Your Cradle Counselor will serve as your guide throughout your home study, educational workshops, and placement. Our commitment to you is lifelong—we want your child and your family to thrive.
The Cradle hosts webinars, courses and workshops to help families, professionals and community members increase their understanding of adoption and parenting.
It doesn’t matter how far along you are—it’s never too early or too late to reach out to us. When you’re ready, we can set up a time for you to meet with one of our counselors, at a place convenient to you.
Your Cradle Counselor will serve as your guide throughout your home study, educational workshops, and placement. Our commitment to you is lifelong—we want your child and your family to thrive.
The Cradle hosts webinars, courses and workshops to help families, professionals and community members increase their understanding of adoption and parenting.
In gratitude for the generosity of our supporters and partners, we invite you to meet the other members of our Cradle community who help drive our work forward.
We strive to be complete and accurate in recognizing the generosity of our Cradle community. We regret any omissions or errors. Please contact our development team at with any corrections.
The list below comprises the individuals, foundations, corporations and other organizations who donated to The Cradle during our 2022 fiscal year (October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022).
*Individual has passed since time of gift ** Bequest/estate designation
AANA team in memory of Michael Hayes
The Abt family
Susan and Bill Achenbach in honor of Allen Witte
Adam and Laura Ackerburg
Connie Adam
Lucas Adams
Hall Adams Jr.**
Mark Affelt and Cheryl Carlson
Ann and Larry Agins
The John and Diane Agoranos Charitable Fund in memory of John F. Sullivan
The Ahrens family in honor of AnnMarie Ahrens
James Albert
Donald and Melanie Albrecht
Bruce, Staci and Ann Aldrich in memory of Jeanne Barends
Steven Aleckson in honor of David and Susan Spires
Renita Alexander
Jeffrey Alfano
Marjorie Allabastro in honor of Connor and Jack
Crystal Allen
Scott and Charlotte Allen
Jason and Kristi Allgood
Albert Louis Allred
Allan and Emily Allweiss in honor of Joel Solomon
Linah Alsberry
Janet Altenhoff
John and Ann Amboian
American Academy of Pediatrics in honor of Michael Hayes
Arrie Ammons, Jr.
Cindy Andersen in memory of Gary L. Andersen
Alan and Mary Helen Anderson in honor of Jerry Bear
Barbara Anderson in memory of Lorene Buckner
James and Kristen Anderson
Pam Anderson
Pippa Anderson
Stephen and Nancy Anderson
Violet Anderson in honor of Karen Whitacre
Rosanna and Paul Andras in honor of Frederick and Franklin Andras
Karen Andreae
Wellington Andrees
William and Kristin Andrews
Chelsea Angeletti
Anonymous (74)
Anonymous in honor of Jane Mary Finn Tighe
Anonymous in honor of Jason Friedman
Anonymous in honor of Jim Connelly
Anonymous in honor of Karen Whitacre
Anonymous in honor of Kevin Grant
Anonymous in honor of Leah Libresco Sargeant
Anonymous in honor of Morgan Weston Price III
Anonymous in honor of Robert Theobald
Anonymous in honor of Yen-Shou Stack
Anonymous in memory of Don and Joyce Haigh
Anonymous in memory of Falicia C. Slavik
Anonymous in memory of James Patrick McMahon
Anonymous in memory of Joe Leger
Anonymous in memory of John Stager and his birth mother, Edna
Anonymous in memory of Steve and Shel Solomon
Gregory Appleton
Tom and Georgia Aralis
Erin Archer in honor of Zariah Serrano
Claire Archibald
Aristotle Foundation (Telly Savalas Family Memorial Fund) in memory of T. Christopher Boardman and Telly Savalas
Marty and Avery Arlen in honor of Michael and Lisa Samuels and in memory of Harriet Goldberg
DeShawn Arms
Clark and Mary Arneson
Angela Marie Arnold
James and Veronica Arnold in honor of Molly Hussar
Nina Arora-Rowland
Jill Ash
Joanne Ash
Megan Ashley
Jason and Kelly Asper
John Ast
Jim Astrove
Leia Atas in memory of Phyllis Ponder
Nancy Aten in memory of Julia Aten
Russ and Mary Augello
Larry and Janie Austermiller
Laura Auwerda and Betty Tsamis Auwerda in honor of their son, Max
Richard and Dollie Auwerda
Lance Avants in honor of Sebastian Avants Hagan
Cameron Avery and Lynn Donaldson
Chris and Laura Avery in honor of Anne and Cam Avery
Karine Backer in honor of Kaleb Backer
Joanne Bader
James Baer
Linda Bailey
Alan Bain in memory of Roma and Sidney Bain
Dennis, Rachel and Leigh Baker
Elizabeth Baker
Lisa Bakker
Alishja Ballard
Michael and Jean Banasiak
Jaime Bance
Craig and Jane Baner
Raffy Banks
Diane Bansley
The Bardo family in honor of Martha Crannell
Kevin Barker in memory of Diane Z. Sehy
The Barker-Tyndalls
David and Karen Barnes
Shirley Barnes
Don Barringer
William Barringer
Bruce Barrington in memory of Kathleen Barrington
Donald Barrington in memory of Kathie Barrington
Bob and Virginia Bartlett
Christina Basile
Michelle and Michael Bassett in honor of Mackenzie and Mason
Louise Bastron in memory of Malcolm Bastron
Susan and Richard Batchelder
Michael and Gail Battaglia in honor of Carol Smallwood
Keri Bauer in memory of Diane Sehy
Philip Bauer in honor of Dominique Sophia Bauer
Harry and Carol Bauler
Jacqueline Baumann
Baxter International
Kit Bazley in honor of Joel Solomon
Stewart and Claire Beach in memory of William J. Meyer
Nancy J. Beal
LaTasha Beard
Stacy Beardsley
Raquel Bech and Larry Martin in honor of Jeanne Enright
William Becich in memory of Delores Becich
Jennifer Becker
Ken and Joan Becker
Bill and Kathy Beckert
David Beckstrom
Catherine Bedrick
Kathryn and Royce Bedward
Christine and Michael Beeftink
Elizabeth Beidler Tisdahl Foundation
Francis Beidler Foundation
Francis Beidler III and Prudence R. Beidler Foundation
Sandra and Peter Bekas
Melissa Bell and family
Ronald and Dessie Bendler in honor of Jennifer Rogers
Suzie and Ron Bendler
The Bengtson family in memory of Allan Gunn
Amy Bennett
Beverly Bennett
Elliot and Amanda Bennett
Janis Bente
Rod Berg
Mary Jo Bergmann
Tom, Sandy and Zander Beris in honor of Emma Nicholls
Julie Berlin
Andrew Berman
Katie Berman
William C. Berman
Mark and Mary Bernhard in memory of William J. Meyer
Carol Berry
Matthew Bertke in honor of Katie Gattone
Brian Beswick
Bethany Baptist Church of Christ
The Bethels
Dawn Betz
Chitra Bhatia
Tina Biancofiori
Kathy and Jerry Biederman
Elizabeth Bieri
Noreen and Brian Bigelow
Kenneth Bingham
Craig and Mary Bisping
Kurt Bitter in honor of Braeden and Elisa Schaefer
John Blackburn in memory of Thomas Barber
Christine Blaine
Emily Blair
James and Margaret Blair
John Blane
The Blatt family
Joan M. Bleck in honor of Susan C. Carter
Bill and Sandy Blethen in memory of Falicia Slavik
James V. Bliss
Felicia and Robert Bloom
Heidi Bloom
Chuck and Helen Blouir
Justin and Jodi Blouir
Matthew and Anna Blouir
Meghan and Christopher Blouir in honor or Corry Connelly
Dmitry Boardman in memory of T. Christopher Boardman
Penelope Savalas Boardman in memory of T. Christopher Boardman
David Bochenek
Anne Bode and John Buhay
James and Barbara Bode
Suzanne Boeren
Bonita Boersma in memory of Barbara Ottenhoff
Rick Bold in honor of Emilie Bold Hall
Christopher and Irma Boldt
Munirah Bolis
William and Kathleen Bonner
Lorine J. and Alan D. Booth Foundation
Karen Bornstein
Julie Seese Boroff in honor of Edward and Kathryn Seese
Diane Bortoli
Jon B. Boss in memory of Barbara June “Bonnie” Boss
The Bostons
Kenneth and Barbara Bowen
Gabriele E. Bowers in memory of Gus E. Bowers
Rachel Bowers
Marianne Boyak
Karen Boyaris and Jim Smith
Kate Boyens in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Ken and Sue Boyer in honor of Emily Susan Boyer
Katie Boyle
Robert Bracken in memory of Robert and Margaret Bracken
Katherine Bradley-Black
Alexandra Brady
Marnie Brahar in honor of Heather Dumas
Ronald and Michele Brandenburg
Eric Branstrom in honor or Fawn Branstrom
Kaitie Branton
Emily Brasfield
Julia Brasfield
Henry and Mary Braun
Bruce and Carole Braverman
Eugene Breger in honor of Joel and Jessie Solomon
Marilyn and Philip Breiding
Jan and Rachel Breivald
Jeanine Brennan
John and Jean Brennan Family Foundation in honor of Jeanne and Bill Enright and family
Jill Brickman in honor of The Parker family
Robert and Gail Brickman
Bridewell-Henning Foundation
Lee Britton
Maggie Bronson
Irene and Anton Brotsos in memory of Renee Maggos
James Brotsos in memory of Renee Maggos
Margaret Broussard
Chris and Anne Brown in memory of James McMahon
J’ai and Frank Brown
Jeff Brown and Jake Nuber
Joel and Tina Brown
Laura Brown in memory of Jim McMahon
Linda Brown
Maggie Brown
Matthew Brown in memory of Renee Maggos
Sarah Brown
Stephen and Catherine Brown in honor of Evan Brown-Nuber
Michael Browning
Arlyn Firkins Bruccoli
Elizabeth Buchanan
Sue and Bob Buck in memory of Jean Flory
Celeste and Jim Buckingham
Christie Buckingham
Nicholas Buckingham
David Buckley Sr.
Albert Budney and Rev. Karen Vickers Budney
Darlene Buenzow
Dave Buikema
Deb Bullwinkel in memory of Martha Bullwinkel and Nancy Armentrout
Wylie Bunker
Deneen Burich
Michael Burk
Arlene Burke
Ann Burnstine in memory of Dr. Richard Burnstine
Jean Burnstine and Tim Kisley in memory of Dr. Richard Burnstine
Liz Burnstine in memory of Dr. Richard Burnstine
Charles and Jane Burr
Nsenga Burton
Shirley and John Bury
Doris J. Busuito
Butkiewicz Family Foundation
Kimball J. Butler
Jack and Ann Butts
Benita Byrd
M.L. Byrd in honor of Noah Allen
Paul and Barbara Byrd
Karen Byrnes
Fred Cabrera
John and Sarabess Cahill**
John J. Cahill, Inc.
James Caldwell
Caligagan family
Denise Caligagan
Sharon S. Campbell
Henry Canestrini
Vince and Christine Cappelli in honor of Todd Cappelli
Joe Cappo in memory of John F. Sullivan
Jackson Carol
Steve and Ginger Carr
Carrigan Charitable Trust
Susan C. Carter in honor of Nina Louise Alice Carter and Miles John Tristan Carter
Margaret Cartier
Margaret C. Carver
Scott and Janice Casagrande
Mark Cassin
Andrew H. Caster
Carol and Franklin Catalfamo in honor of Sofia Francesca Kotarski
Letrece Catchings
Nicole and Brian Catral
April Cesaretti
The Chamberlin family in memory of Kristen Elkins
Susan Chamberlin in honor of Herri, Chip and Calliope Elkins
Susan Chapman in honor of Amy Jasmon
Sherri Charleston
Paige, Dan, Carol and Gina Charlesworth in memory of Dietmar Grohlich
Stanley Chatman
Brian and Erika Check in memory of Daylin Maentanis
John and Ruth Cherry
Joe Cherry
Lisa M. Chessare in memory of William J. Meyer
Frank Cheswick
Frances Cheyne Trust
Angela Chimino
Bruce and Barbara Chrisman in memory of Audrey Karnuth and in honor of Brenden and Brady Chrisman
Jim and Helen Christakos in memory of Renee Maggos
Peter T. Christiansen
Keith Cienkus
Rita Ciesielski
Kathy Anne and William Cissna
Claar/Skey family
Susan Clark
Dick and Mary Clark
Kari and Will Clarke
John Claster
Riley and Brady Claster
The Clesen family
Greg and Julianne Cleven in memory of Debbie and Mike Scholl
Leslie and Peter Clifford
The Close family in honor of Maisie and Jeremiah
Jeannette C. Cogsdill
Judy and Lance Cohen
Julie Cohen
Rhonda Cohen
Ronald Cohen
Stu and Vivian Cohn in honor of Joel Solomon
Christina Cole
Marriann and Grady Cole in honor of Jim and Therese Fauerbach
Dick Coleman in honor of Jerry Bear
Florence Coleman
Joan Colleta
Laura Lynn Collins
Daniel Colt
Marie Colturi
Constance D. Conley
Corinne A. Connan
Kevin Connelley and Toni DiDonato
The Connelly family
Keith and Rita Connolly
Timothy Connolly and Ann McCrystal
John and Michaelene Conrad in memory of Timothy Briggs
Camille Conrick in memory of Deborah DeVincent
Harriet and Henry Conroe in honor of Kathy Perysian and Mary Hassan
Paul Corona
John and Denise Cortesi
Karen and Jim Cote
COUNTRY Financial
Joseph Coupet
Danielle Courrier
Kim Court
Linda Courtiss
The John & Patricia Couzins Foundation
John and Patricia Couzins
Tom and Karen Cowley
Susan Craighead
The Crannell family in honor of the four Cradle adoptees in our family
Patricia Crannell in honor of Chuck and Tracy
Francesco Cristiano
Mary Crois
Crow Family Charitable Fund
Kevin T. and Tasha L. Crow in honor of Bob, Julie, Jack and Grace Miller
Janet Borge Crowle
Jack Martin and Colleen Crowley
Crown Philanthropies
Elizabeth Crown
Steven Cucchiaro
Steve and Libby Cummings
Jane and Neil Cummins in honor of Alexander and Jack Cummins
Sharon Cunningham*
Robert Curley
Betty Curvey
Carie Cycholl
Daniel and Jana Cyphers in memory of Dan and Joan Cyphers
Molly Dagit
Ellen Dahl
Cynthia Damon in honor of Heather Kelley
Julie Daniels
Martha Dannels
Mindy Dapin
Melissa David
Catherine and Gerry Davidson
Benjamin Davidson in honor of the Patrick-Marcella family
Dana and Ben Davidson
Julia Davies
Frank Davis
Glenn Davis
Peggy Davis
Scot Davis
Scott and Denise Davis
Kathy Dawson
Malikah Day
Marlene Day
Elmer and Mary De La Cruz
Marcy De Tella
Sheri DeBord in memory of Donna and John Oehler
Brendan Deely in honor of Heather Kelley
Jennifer Degener in honor of Steve Erickson
Barrie Dekker
Del Koch, Ken Clingen and Clingen Callow & McLean, LLC in memory of William J. Meyer
Joseph Gonzalez on behalf of Pamela Jones Del Vecchio**
Stephanie Kyser DeLong in memory of Grace and Franklin Kyser
Dr. Peter W. Demuth and Karen Ann Przypyszny
Andrew Denlow
Virginia DePaul, M.D.
Dependable Plumbing in memory of William J. Meyer
David and Maura DePrisco in honor of Heather and Bill Kelley
Giridhar Devulapally and Athena Tapales in honor of Jennifer Rogers
Tommie and Kazimiera Dewese
Andre and Rita DeWolf
Mary Jo Deysach and Francis Lynch
Benjamin and Kim Dickey
Marcia and John DiDonato
Valerie and Eric Dierlam
Shannan Diggs
Edward A. Dik & Evelyn M. Dik Foundation
Dina M. DiLaura
Mary Jane Dillon
Lynette Dimaggio
John* and Polly Dix in honor of Megan and John Kelly
Samuel and Janis C. Dix in memory of Jim Pasternock
Lynn Dixon
Katy Dobbins-Bucklad in honor of Zariah Serrano
Thomas Dobry
Leslie Dolejs
Stephanie Domain in memory of Michael Hayes
Leo Domzalski and Nancy O’Brien
Andrea Donahoe in memory of Daylin Nohemi Maentanis
Holly Donaldson in honor of Mary Link
Kate Donaldson and Ryan Whitacre
Tom Donegan
Brian and Chris Donovan
Damon and Cynthia Doucet
Jacqueline Douell in memory of William J. Meyer
Kenneth Douglas Foundation
Jim and Mary Cele Doyle in honor of Fr. Ken Simpson
Kay H. Doyle
Terra Driscoll
George Sloan and Dougal D’Souza
Milton Duehr
Michelle and Steve Dufault
Maureen Duffy in memory of Karen Staib Duffy
Tom Duffy in memory of Karen Staib Duffy
Rose Dugan
Sindy Duha
Heather and Izzy Dumas
Barbara H. Duncan in memory of Joyce and Donald Haigh
Jacqueline J. Dupon
Daniel and Mary Durant in memory of David Schuelke
Rob Durant
Gerald and Diana Dutka
Cynthia Dvorak
Daniel Dwyer
Drs. Harvey Echols and Millicent Knight in honor of Matthew Echols
Nicholas and Greta Eckerle
Edison Park Turkey Trot
Kate Edwards
Sylvia Edwards
Craig and Karen Effertz in memory of Charlene Heinemann
The Effinger family in memory of Jeanne Barends
Norma Egmon
Cassie Ehrenberg and David Cohen
Joseph K. and Inez Eichenbaum
Jane Eichman
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Ryan Eisenmann
Harriette Elisco in honor of Dr. Rachel Handler
David and Laura Elkins in memory of Kristen M. Elkins
Carolyn Elliott
Steve Elliott
Leah Ellis
Sean T. Ellis
Melanie Ellison
Drs. Pedro Garcia and Dennis Emano in honor of Consuelo Emano-Garcia
Joseph Emerson
Alan and Sondra Engel
Nina W. Engelhart Trust
Diane Enright
Jeanne and Bill Enright
Clement Erbmann
Stanley C. Erck
Leanne and Todd Erickson
Tonny and Stephanie Eugene
Reese and Linda Evans
Toby Eveland and Brian Johnson in honor of their daughter, Joey
Dr. Mark Faasse
Randall Fabian
Facebook (Meta Platforms, Inc.)
James and Donna Fackenthal
Joe Fahrberger
Fred and Mary Lou Fahrberger
Larry and Connie Fairchild in honor of Matthew J. Fairchild
Nancy Fairchild
Joann W. Fairweather
Jessica Faisant
Jen, Ryan and Alanna Faist
William Faricy
Jeremy and Gill Farmer in recognition of Gill’s knitting group
Rick and Mary Farone
Ava W. Farwell Trust
Jim and Therese Fauerbach
The James and Therese Fauerbach Charitable Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
Stephanie Feher Krol
Dave Feichter
Rosemary Feit
Warren L. Fellingham Jr.
Judith C. Fellingham in memory of Jean Flory
Fellowes Brands
Fenton Education Association in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Karen and Ronald Fenwick
Robert and Joann Fichter
Stephanie Figlioli
Frederick Findlay
Marjorie Findlay and Geoffrey Freeman
Kenneth Findley
Heather Fine
Martin and Susan Fine
Anne Marie Finley
Maureen and Tom Fiocchi
Victoria Fiordalis
Donald and Catherine Fischer
Kathleen and Larry Fischer in memory of Dietmar Grohlich
The Fisher family
Jeanne Fisher in memory of Ed Fisher
Mitchell B. Fisher and Kimberly C. Wolowiec-Fisher
Vivian and Richard Fjeldheim
Jeanne Bremner Flanagan in memory of John and Ruth Bremner
Lynette Flannery
Dan Flatley
James and Maureen Flatley in honor of Dan Flatley
Brian Fletcher
Kathleen Flynn in memory of Dave Goodrich
Mark Flynn
Focus Consulting Group in memory of David Goodrich
Robert D. Fogarty
Barbara and Michael Fonda
Tony and Sharon Fong in memory of Arthur L. Jung
Mark Forzley
Chantal and Jim Foster
Diana Foster
Daniel and Susan Fox
Andrea Charest and Michael Foy in honor of their daughters
Lea Frailey
Betty and Robert Frank
Chuck and Debbie Frank
Tom and Sharon Frank in honor of Logan and Sophia
Martin Franke in memory of Betty Ann Shaneyfelt
John J. Frautschi Family Foundation
Kody Frederick
Cathy and John Freechack
Freeman Family Fund
Jennifer Freeman
Nancy Freeman in memory of William J. Meyer
Robert and Diane Freer in honor of Ashley and Anastasia Kurut
Melissa Freisinger Matranga
Bon and Holly French
Dennis Freund
Judy Friedes-Craig
Nina and Mitchell Friedman
Dr. Cassandra and Martin Friedman in honor of our grandchildren
Ronald L. Friedrich
Karen Fronk
Amy Frushour Kelly
Dori Fujii
Shizuko F. Fulk*
Marilyn Fuller
Tamara and Jerry Fusselman
Stuart Gaines
Deborah Gallios
Michael B. Gallivan
Christopher Gange
Jessica Garascia and Brett Bottorff
Corliss Garner
Dolores J. Garner
Tina Tinkham Garrison
Gaszak family in honor of James Patrick McMahon
Sarah Gattone and Grace Gaynor
Joanne Gaudette
Danielle Gault in honor of Heather Kelley
John and Karleen Gault in honor of Heather Kelley
Joel Gaynor
Dominique Geer and John Perissi
Jeff Geigler
Gary Gemberling in memory of Kathleen Gemberling
Jim and Diane Geocaris
The Gerardi family in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
David Germann
Joseph Germano in memory of Edward and Lilla Germano
John and Suzanne Gernandt in honor of Devin Kirk and Chad Idol
Puamuh and Michele Thoele Ghogomu
Sally Gibbs
Jackie and Cory Gibson
Nicole Gibson-Donohoe
Molly Gilbreth
Gordon and Beverly Gill in memory of Charlene Heinemann
Kerry Gillenwater
Genie Miller Gillespie
Gillespie Law
Chris and Mike Gilly in honor of Uncle Jerry
Wendy Gilly in honor of Jerry Bear
Marc Ginsburg
Bridget Ginty
LaShawn Givers
Katherine C. Gjaja
Chris Gladish
James and Patricia Glass
Pat Gleason
Linda S. Glew
Aileen Gnatz
Don and Lynn Goffman in honor of Joel Solomon
Ellen Goldsmith
Anndrea Golightly and Tobias Jayne
Rafael and Christine Gonzales
Barbara Goodrich in memory of David Edward Goodrich
Donna Joukema Goodwin and Thomas Goodwin
Ross Goodwin in memory of Frances Davis
Chris and Scott Gordon
Peter Goring and Cynthia Martinez-Barclay
Marykathryn Gorman
Charlotte Gorney
Paul and Sheila Gorney
Karen and Beth Gorz
Olivia G. Gow
Mary Ann and Roger Grabowski in memory of Allan Gunn
Amanda Grady
Kathy Gramling in honor of Heather Kelley
Jacqueline Granat in memory of Dr. John Sullivan
Grant Sherwood
Valerie Green in memory of Renee Maggos
The Greene family
Jeff and Donita Greene
Rob and Linda Grierson
Jennifer S. Griffin
Caroline Grimes in honor of Jenny Walsh
Maureen Grinnell
Jennie Grobe
Albertine Grooms in honor of Jason and Brandis Friedman
Eston and Sandra Gross
Nicholas Grossi
William and Nancy Grossklag
Jim and Karen Grzyb
Marilyn Guetlich*
Stephen and Kathleen Guillard
Judd and Melissa Guldberg
Gregory and Helen Gullo
Allan* and Jane Gunn
Mary C. Gushee in honor of Laura Gushee Monahan
Rosemary Gustafson
Anita Gutof
Charles and Julie Haapala
Patricia Habak
Paula and Michael Haber in honor of Maya Dove Schallman
Villamor and Luzviminda Habon
John Hackett
Elliot Haffarnan
Matthew Haffernan and Elliot Haffarnan-Buck
Linda Hageman in memory of Ruth Johnston
Marilyn Hager
Martin and Karen Halacy
David G. Hall
Richard and Rita Hall
Theodore Hamer
Samantha Hamidan
Barbara Hamilton
Tamara Hamlish
Matthew Hammer in honor of Brayden and Levi Hammer
Jane Hampson and Florin Berca
Hollie Hannan in memory of Pam Faussett
Gregory and Susan Hansen
William Hanson
Warren Hanssen in honor of Jerry Bear
David Haracz and Mary Dolan
Dayna Hardin in honor of Jerry Bear
Stephen Scott and Dawn Harding
Justin Hare and Jessica Ash
Thomas and Sandra Harm
Bruce and Barbara Harmel in memory of James M. Pasternock
Angela Harmon and Denise Goforth
Jennifer Harper
Jack Harris
Joe Harris and Jennifer Gran
John Harris in memory of Elaine Harris
Donna Harris
Marilyn Harris in honor of Nancy Kranberg
Walter and Paula Harris
John and Nancy Harrold in memory of Ann Schroeder
Molly Hartle in memory of Richard H. Hartle
Craig Hartman in memory of Phyllis Hartman
Loria and John Hartman in honor of Kim and Noah Simonton
William and Kathleen Hartman
Joseph and Susan Hartnett
Bill and Lynn Harvey in memory of Dieter Grohlich
William and Sanja Harvey
John P. Hasler
Patricia and John Hauser
Susan Hauswirth in honor of Heather Kelley
Gail and Nicholas Haviland
Meghan C. Hawkins
Jamie Hayden in memory of Robert and Nancy Hayden
Mary Ann Hays in memory of Adeline Moen
Sara Hays and John Mitchell in honor of Ryan Whitacre
Mary Healy
Nicole Heath
Ed Hebson and Rufus Gonzales
Lisa Hebson
Jeremy, Amber and Charlotte Heintz
Thomas and Kathleen Susan Heintz in honor of Charlotte Susan Heintz
Cindy Helmers in honor of the Saluja family
Carol Helsdon
Kate Henderson
Joyce Heneberry in honor of Jason and Brandis Friedman
Carol Henn
Caleb Henry
Barbara Henry
Trish Ehlers Henry in memory of Su Parker
Georgene Herbst
Herchenbach family
Andrea and Edward Herchenbach in honor of Leah Herchenbach
Leah Marie Herchenbach in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
Sarah Herchenbach in honor of Andi Herchenbach
Staci Herchenbach in honor of her mom and sister
Craig Hermanson
Coley Herrin in memory of William J. Meyer
The Hersted family in memory of William J. Meyer
Kevin and Mary Heuvelmans
Charles and Ramona Hewitt
Terry Hianik in honor of the Bertke family
John T. Hickey Jr. and Candis B. Hickey Philanthropy Fund
Caloway and Michelle Hickman
Rhonda Hicks
Adrienne Hiegel
Terri Hilt
Joan Hinsdale in honor of Julia Rivera
Jon and Lisette Hirsch
Johanna Hoak in honor of Rachel Solomon
Trudy Hobfoll in honor of Karyn Hobfoll
Thomas and Nancy Hofer
Ann Hoffman
Jonnie Hoffman in memory of Helen and Glenn Miller
Colin Hogan
Dennis and Jo Ann Hogan in honor of Zariah Serrano
J&M Hogan Fund
John and Marguerite Hogan
Nancy Biondi and David Holland
Teresa Hollnagel in honor of Keon Xavier Selner
Chip and Cindy Holman in memory of Julie Holman
Sue Holt and Jeff Braun in memory of Jean Flory
Fred and Sandra Holubow
Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church Ladies Group
Autumn Homes
Vanessa Van Hoorn
Horwitz/Izaguirre family in honor of Joel Solomon
Michael* and Jan Hourihane
HPS Chicago
Amy L. Hubbard and Geoffrey J. Kehoe
Martha and Randell Huckaby
Eric Huefner
David J. Huesman
Joel Huggins
John Huggins
Sherry Hughes
Mary Ellen Hull
David and Carol Hunecke
Howard Hurwitz in honor of Jerry Bear
Jane Hussar
Justin Hutchings
Tonya Hutchinson
Karen Booth Hutchison
William and Linda Hyde in honor of The Eichman family
Paula Hyman
Chad Idol and Devin Kirk
Janice C. Impey
Marcia Inbody and Peter Schwindt
ReNita Inmon
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Ireland Jr.
Robert Irons
Kevin Irvine and Karen Tamley
Elizabeth Isdale
Arlene Jackson
Brooke Jackson
Stephanie and Leslie Jacobson
Dr. Harry Jaffe
Ann and Bob James in honor of Barbara and James Roseman
Robert B. James Jr.
James J. Jelen
Robert T. Jenkins in memory of Carol A. Jenkins
Ashley Jenne
Jenner & Block in honor of Jessica Garascia
Colleen and Steve Jennings
Nancy and Peter* Jeton
Joseph and Mary Jimenez
Johnson family in memory of Connie Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Edward H. Johnson
Kim Johnson
Kyle Johnson
Marianne Johnson
Michael Johnson and Catherine Seibel
Monica and Marleigh Johnson in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
Rayfield Johnson Jr.
Rayfield Johnson Sr.
Robert L. Johnson in memory of Connie Johnson
Robert Johnson in honor of Heather Kelley
Sarah Johnson in honor of Priscilla Thomas
Gerald F. Johnston
James and Mary Johnston in memory of David Goodrich
Marta Johnston
Ned and Jill Johnston
Elsa Jones
Catherine Jones
Darren Jones
Jeannette Jones in honor of the Herchenbach-Silver family
Josetta Jones
Michael A. Jones
Yve Jones
George and Sophia Jonson
Lauren and Loukas Jonson
Anthony Joy
The women of JTS in memory of Diane Sehy
Charles Judy
Grandma and Grandpa K in honor of Elizabeth Grace Kramer
Mary Jo Kacvinsky
The Kaczmarek family
William and Margaret Kaepplinger
Carolyn Kaiser
Val Kalen in memory of Donna G. Oehler
Carolyn Kambich in memory of Falicia Slavik
Edwin Kampe
The Kaplan family
Marcia R. Kaplan
Demetrios Karabatsos in memory of Phyllis Ponder
Karger Fund in honor of Jerry Bear
Nancy and Butch Karger in honor of Jerry Bear
Richard F. Karger and Christine F. Karger Charitable Fund
Richard and Christine Karger
Carrie Ann Karich in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Frank and Lisa Karkazis in memory of Renee Maggos
Aaron and Jeanette Katz
Damaris Kearns
Keaty family
Patty and Ashley Keenan in honor of Nina Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keiser donor-advised fund of The Chicago Community Foundation
Michael and Rosalind Keiser
Beth Keister in memory of Jean Flory
Robert Kellam
Margarita Kellen
Mary Kay Kellerman in memory of David Goodrich
Heather Kelley
William Kelley in honor of Heather Kelley
Jean Kelly
Michael Kelly in memory of Joan Kelly
Susan Kelly in memory of Karen Staib Duffy
Terry Kelly
Robert B. Kennedy
Maureen Kent
Phoebe and James Kent
Anedra Kerr
Priscilla Kersten in honor of The Lassar family
Nancy and Alan Kessler in honor of Joel Solomon
Katelyn Kevin
Shaheena Khan
Cindy Kienzle in memory of John and Donna Oehler
Tom and Lisa Kieso in memory of William J. Meyer
The Kiker family
The Kimbell family
Peggy and Bob Kimble in honor of Joel Solomon
Elizabeth Kincaid
Donald Kindwald in honor of Richard and Elaine
Che King
Nancy and Jeff Kipnis
Christine Kivland
Rick and Carol Kjelstad
Maureen and Kim Klatt
Tammy Klaus
Colleen Klehr in memory of Lillian Baker
Casey Klemens in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
Mary and John Klos
Jamie Kochert in memory of Robert Bracken
Kristie Kohl in honor of Julia Brasfield
Kostoula Kolettis in memory of Renee Maggos
Anne Kopke
Delores Koretos in honor of Donna Macahan
Benjamin Kornfeld
Wayne and Ann Koskey
The Kowalewski family in memory of Sharon Cunningham
Jen Kowalski Drescher
Donald and Ruth Koziol
The Kozlowski family
Eugene R. and Sharon Kraklow
David and Jennifer Kramer in honor of Elizabeth G. Kramer
Jamie Kranberg in honor of Nancy Kranberg
Edward and Pam Krantz in memory of James Michael Pasternock
The Krasberg-Mason Foundation
Helen Kreidermacher
Robert D. Kreisman
Tom and Beth Kreutziger
Mark and Joan Krikau
Shane Krim
Jonathan Kruesi and Andrew Beattie
Carl Krumhardt, Jr.
Elizabeth and Stephen Krupkin
Philip Krupp
Carol Kruse
Jacquelyn Kruse in memory of Jim Pasternock
Carol Stoker
Travis and Michelle Kubly
Arthur Kuchta
Nikki Kueker in memory of Karen Staib Duffy
Gary Kufner
Tom Kuhn, Katy Daum and Chuck Kuhn in memory of Jeanne Barends
James E. Kupferschmidt
Susan Kurowski
Kurty in memory of Dolores Jean Ernsting
Carolyn Kuyper
Lydia and Gregory Kuzmenchuk
David and Patricia Kwarta
Kelli Kwiatkowski in honor of Henry Kwiatkowski
The Kye family
Catherine La Fleur
Carl Lacko in honor of Charlene Heinemann
Matt and Cynthia LaCourt
The LaDuke family
Jerry M. Lagrou in memory of Falicia C. Slavik
Ronald and Eileen Lane
Leslie Lane-Palmer
Kelly Langan
Bill and Char Langeland in honor of Rich and Dollie Auwerda
A & K Langohr in honor of Cher and Nick Paustian
Lanigan family
Catherine Lanigan
Dan and Jill Lanigan
Mary Kay Lanigan
Maureen Lanigan-Pitula
Andrew and Havalynn Lanum
Sharon and Thomas Laper
Larry and Martha Brown Larkin
Marcene Larkin in honor of Tom Larkin
Elizabeth Hunding-Larmon in honor of her birth son, Zach
Elizabeth Larson in memory of Jean Flory
Andre and Allen Larson
Karen and Kevin Larson
Kathleen and Kenneth Larson
Mark Larson
Margaret Lassar
Shirley Lata
Jeff and Leslie Laughlin in honor of Heather Kelley
Lincoln Lauhon and Maureen Bolon
Allison Lausas in honor of Heather Kelley
The LaVoie family in memory of Daylin Nohemi Maentanis
William J. Lawlor III
Lisa and Michael Lawyer in honor of Jerry Bear
Lorenda Layne
Samuel and Elizabeth Lazio in honor of Zia Augustina O’Neill-Lazio
Brien and Lauri Leahy
Mike and Kath LeBeau
Jon Leberknight
Beth LeClair in honor of her mom and dad
Lee Family Foundation
Dawn and Robert Lee
James and Sharon Lenn
Lynn and Pete Lennart in honor of Jerry Bear
Bill and Barb Lenz in memory of William J. Meyer
Lesser Lutrey Pasquesi & Howe, LLP
Richard and Linda Letherman
Candy Letterly
Libby Letterly
Suzanne Levaggi
Amy Levin
Barbara Levy
Larry and Carol Levy
Nancy Lewis in honor of Brian Lewis and in memory of Winfield Lewis
Stephen and Joyce Lewis
Matt and Sam Leyba
Gerrie Liaw
Celianne Libber and Ike Serotta in honor of Joel Solomon
Aniik Libby in honor of Tony Foster
Marvin and Kay Lichtman Foundation
Albert and Katherine Licup
The Liebl family
The A. Thomas Lies Family Foundation in memory of William J. Meyer
Judith Lilleston
Paul and Marilyn Lin
Jean Lin
Melia Linardos in memory of Renee Maggos
Lind Family Charitable Fund
Thomas J. Lind and Kathy Lind
Lindley Family Charitable Foundation
Robert and Susan Lindsay in honor of Molly Kudlacz
Mary Link
Ellen and Rosy Lippman
Lipschultz, Levin & Gray in memory of Mary Anne Cappo
Liz Page Associates
Ronald Llanes and Hilda Valdivia in honor of their son, Rafael Llanes
Annette LoCascio in memory of Elegie LoCascio
Joseph LoCascio
Loeb Enterprises II LLC
Jessie Logan
David Lohff
Ellen Lohff
Lojo Foundation
Sarah Lombardi
Reba London
Charm London
Matthew Long
Tammy and David Lorber in honor of Maya Dove Schallman
The Love family
Anthony and Natasha Brown Love in honor of Avery Lynn Love
Charles Love
Regine G. Love
Thomas B. Lovejoy
Bruce and Karen Lovelace in honor of Noah Simonton
Challis Lowe
Annette and Ron Lubcke
John, Doug and Aidan Luce
Therese Luce in memory of Dr. John W. Luce
Michael and Joyce Lueth
Anne Lund
Allen G. Lundsberg in honor of Jerry Bear
Anthony and Beth Lupo
Glen Lusby Interiors
Bill and Susan Lutz
Charles and Patricia Lynch
Amanda Lynn
Erika Lynn
Harold M. Lyons
Virginia C. Lyons
Maas Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
MacDonald Charitable Fund
Kathy MacDonald
Tom Macfadden in memory of Jean Flory
Amy Mackenzie-Sanders in memory of Ethyl Anderson
Jeffrey Mackevich in honor of Joel Solomon
Joan W. Mackie
Larry and Rebecca Macy
Mary Jo Maddux in memory of David Goodrich
Shanah and Jeffrey Madoff in memory of Allan Gunn
Eileen Madrigal in memory of James P. McMahon
Patricia J. Madsen
Madura Family Charitable Fund
Chris, Stephanie and Nico Maentanis in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Dean and Michelle Maggos in memory of Renee Maggos
Branden Maglio
M.E. Maguire in honor of the Herchenbach-Silver family
Lori Magura in honor of Ian Hjerpy
Jill and John Maher
Lorraine Maiorello
Ria Majeske
Christine and Brian Major
Andrea and Alexandra Maka
Michelle and Ronald Malek
Andrea and William Malfese in memory of Daylin Nohemi Maentanis
Stephen Malone and Gina Totten
Carl Maniscalo in memory of Josephine Maniscalo
Corrie Manning
Manone Family Foundation in honor of Jerry Bear
Caleb Marcella, Gail Patrick and Jeff Marcella
Ken and Jean Marchini in honor of Rori Hintze
Kris Marcum
Toni Marie
Ed Markel
Andrea Markowicz in honor of Nina Friedman
Ivan Marks
Kenneth Marks
Margaret Jeka Marrs
Marcia Marshall and family
Pam and Jerry Marshall in memory of Kevin Kellen
Sheila Marshall
Beverly Martin In honor of Karen Whitacre
Jim Martin and Linda Deany
Mary Emma Fisher Trust
Richard and Shirley Marzullo
David E. Mason**
Susan and Mark Matejka
Sydney Matejka
George Matkov and Nancy Churchill
Maryvonne Mauprivez-Mack
Sam Mauro
Andrea and Brad May in honor of Joel Solomon
Brad May
Yael Mayer
Michael Mazzarella in honor of Taylor Mazzarella
McAuliffe Family Fund
Bonnie McCann in memory of Gene McCann
Hester and Andrew McCarthy in honor of Joel and Jessie Solomon
Kay McCarthy
William and Corinne McClintic
Amy McClory
Hoy and Patti McConnell
Bob and Marsha McCormick in memory of Allan Gunn
Terry McCormick in memory of Peter D. Campbell
The McCrorys in honor of William J. Meyer
Beth and Michael McCullough
Matthew McDermott
Maureen and William McDermott
Sheila Mary McDonnell
John and Therese McDonough
John T. McEnroe
Patricia McGarr
Frank and Mary McGeath
Daniel McGinly in honor of Kim Williams
Linda McGovern in honor of Robert Bracken
William and Carolyn McGuckin
The McInerney family
Marjorie McKee in memory of Michael Barry Hayes
James McKinney in honor of Jeanne Enright
Scott McKown
Joan and J. Neil McLoughlin
Jennifer McMahon
James McMillan in honor of Jeanne Enright
Michael and Patricia McNamara
Gerald and Donna McNew
Patricia and David McNicholas in memory of John Dix
Paula A. McNicholas in honor of John Dix
James and Cheryl McPartlin in memory of Lorene Buckner
Allison McQueen
Barbara McQuillan
Kathleen McShane in honor of Arletta Barbel
Sandra McShane
Katie McSherry Moran
Leoni and Bill McVey
MDRT Foundation
David and Susan Meadows
Bob Mecklenburg
Melissa Mecklenburg
George Medellin
Rene and Maria Medina
Sherrie Medina
Anne Melvin in memory of Jeanne Stoddart Barends
Jenny Merdinger in honor of Corry Connelly and Nijole Yutkowitz
Marilyn Merz
Arlene Mesnard and Kenneth Mysliwiec in memory of Ann and Jim Mesnard
Elizabeth Meuer in memory of James Patrick McMahon
The Meyer family
Louis Meyer Family Foundation
Carol Meyer and friends in memory of William J. Meyer
Lenard and Charlotte Meyer
Karen Meyer-Ponzi
Mary Ann Meyers
Lauren Michelon in memory of Bill Meyer
Lorraine Michelson in memory of William J. Meyer
The Miller family
Amy and Daniel Miller
William B. Miller
Cindy and Andy Miller in honor of Maya Dove Schallman
Gregory and Colleen Miller
Howard and Sandy Miller in memory of Dietmar Grohlich
Katherine H. and William B. Miller Charitable Trust
Lynn and Elliot Miller in memory of Jean Flory
Drs. Ralph and Nancy Miller
Tiffany Miller
James and Mary Beth Milliken
Christeen Mindick and John Kainer in memory of Jim Pasternock
Sharon Miraglia in memory of Peggy Schlapper
Mario and Emily Mitchell in memory of Nick La Civita
Mark and Tawa Mitchell
Suzanne Mizgata
Carmella Molaro
Allan and Rita Moller
Lynn Montgomery
Andrea Moore
Anne H.T. Moore
Audry Moore
Michael Moore in memory of Robert and Pearl Seberg
Jala Moore
Kristian Moore and T.J. Hardaway
Mark and Suzi Moran
Katie and Sean Moran in honor of Jean Lin and Tom Morehead
Tracy and Josh More in memory of Donna G. Oehler
Christina Morehead
Julia Morehead
Tina Morehead
John Morel in memory of William Meyer
Belinda Morgan
Jennifer Morgan
Sari Mintz
Brian and Barbara Morrow
Gracia and Jim Morton in honor of their granddaughter, Riley Jean
Mickey and Sharon Morton in honor of Harold Morton
Terry B. Mosher
Christian Mosley
Amy Mosser and James Vance in honor of Emily Giana Vance
Bela Mote
Cameron Muir in memory of Kathleen C. Bertke
The Mulcrone family
The Muldrow-Schleis family
Patricia Muldrow
Michele A. Mulhall
Ann Mullholland
Agnes and David Murdoch
John Murphy
Melissa Murphy
Sharon Murphy
B.J. Murray
Ella Murray
Frances R. Murray
Linea Murray
David Muschler and Ann Becker in honor of Joel Solomon
Kate and Jim Mutchnik
Lynn Howe Myers & Jerry Myers Foundation
Lynn H. Myers
Marie Myszkowski
Bernadine Nawara
Janice C. Nazar
Derek Neathery and Kara Driscoll
John Neff
Erica and Barry Nelson in honor of Jeanne and Bill Enright
Suzanne W. Nelson in memory of John F. Sullivan
Sharon Neste in honor of Susan Carter
Jon and Julie Neustadt
Paul J. and Mary S. Neustadt in honor of of our daughters, Maggy and Elizabeth
Newberry and Price families in memory of Sharon L. Cunningham
Emma Newsham
Margo, Joel and Oliver Schwartz-Newton
Karen S. Nice in memory of Peggy Schlapper
David and Kristy Nicholls
Alana Nicole
The Niemi family
Caryn Nightengale
Joseph and Mary Nimrod
Mark and Mary Nishan
James and Rhonda Nissen
Marty Nixon and Norman Mechanical Inc. in memory of William J. Meyer
Dolores Nobles-Knight
Christian and Pamela Nokkentved
Drs. Sean and Emily Nolan in memory of James McMahon
Sharyn Nolan in memory of Jim McMahon
Eloise Day Noland
Kathryn Noone
Richard S. Nopar
Roger & Ruth Nordby Family Fund of the South Dakota Community Foundation
Terri Norman
Denver and Patricia Norman
North Suburban Pediatrics
Betsy and Scott Lassar in honor of Meg Lassar, Jason Maslanka and Owen
Dennis and Nancy Novak
Catherine and James Nowacki
Mary Nunchuck and Donald Scheef in memory of Renee Maggos
The Nybergs in honor of Amy and Trudy
Mary O’Brien Slota
Frances H. O’Brien
Peter O’Brien and Cheryl Lulias
Timothy and Margie O’Connor
Stephen and Kelly O’Connor
Michael Odar
Ken and Brenda Odom
Remi Oduba
Makoto Ogura
Frank O. O’Hallaron
Janet and John Ohaver in memory of Sharon Cunningham
Colleen O’Leary
The Olsen family in memory of William Meyer
Kati Olsen
The Olson family
Victoria Olson
Deborah O’Malley
Ann and Harry Oppenheimer in honor of Joel Solomon
The Options Clearing Corporation
Orange Theory Fitness
Karen L. Orth in memory of Barbara Ottenhoff
Dennis and Assunta Osgood
Michael and Melissa Oskielunas
Ernest and Barbara Oskin
Robert and Sharon Wilke Otrembiak in honor of Bethany Bekas
Carl and Patricia Overhuls
Park Owens in honor of Heather Kelley
Charles Padelford
Jennifer and Bradford Page
Jane Page
John and Kristine Palmer
Keith Paluska in memory of Carole Paluska
The Pampinella Family Charitable Foundation
Frank and Marianne Papp
James Parent in honor of Herchenbach
The Pareti family
Lucy Park
Ed Parker
The Edward C. and Edith B. Parker Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey
Kim Parker
Keith and Cindy Parker
Lynn Parker Turnbull
Gerry Pas in memory of Allan Gunn
Louis and Arlene Pasierb
Carol Passalaqua
Kirsten Passalino
Julia Paster
Susan Pasternock in memory of James Pasternock
Raheel Patel in honor of Heather Kelley
Lynn Patinkin
Timothy Patten
Ronan and Lori Patterson in honor of Kimberly Paral Patterson
Tonise Paul in memory of Dr. John Sullivan
Paulk Family Charitable Fund
Shirley and Charles M. Paulk, Jr.
Ana Pavlovic in honor of Zariah Serrano
Sally G. Paynter
Michael Pechette
Linda and Tom Pedroza
Pegasus Foundation
Jim Peggs and Peg Talburtt
Mary Ann Pekarek in honor of Mary Connelly
Jill Peligan
Michael Pellechia
Jan and Neil Pellman
Marc Pellman in honor of Annabelle and Liam
Donna Pelsi in memory of Deborah DeVincent
Lindsay Percival
Susan Perkins
Allison Perlowski in honor of Reece
James Perrin
Mary Anne Perrine in honor of Elliot and Amanda Bennett
Cynthia Pestel
Bogdan Pesut
Peterson Family Foundation
Michael Peterson in honor of Heather Kelley
Bruce and Lynne Peterson
Cynthia Peterson
Darlene Peterson
Katherine Peterson
Leonard and Gill Peterson in memory of Peggy Schlapper
Melanie and Dan Peterson
Charlotte and Dave Pfefer in memory of Sharon Cunningham
Zachary Pfeiffer
Patricia M. Phelan
The Christopher and Fermina Phillips Charitable Fund in honor of Jala and Phoenix Moore
Beata Welsh and David Phillips
Laura Phillips in memory of Charlene Heinemann
Marla Philpot
Yvonne Piazzi in memory of Peggy Schlapper
Patricia and Dennis Pieper
Dr. Darlene Pierre-Louis
Neal and Frieda Pilson in memory of John Whitney
Sam and Linda Pirrello
Marques Pitre in honor of Jala Moore
Janice Pittman in memory of William J. Meyer
Robert and Gail Pless in honor of Joe Enright
Kevin Plunkett
Don and Martha Pollak
Susan and Michael Pomykalski
Poreba family in memory of Daylin Nohemi Maentanis
Lucy and Richard Port in honor of Maya
Dawn Hudspeth Porter
Ed and Marge Posega
Bernadine Postlewaite
Pam Postlewaite
Bill and Fran Potter
Natalie Potts
Barb Powers
Mayre Press
Kaitlin Price
Kevin and Myra Price and family
Leslie Price
Joy and Melvin Pritchard
Robert and Judith Prosser
Barbara and Fred Provus in memory of Maria Rubly
Jess Pruess
Patricia Pruitt
PuffCuff, LLC in honor of Greisen R.A. Lash
Susan and Steven Puffpaff
Karen and Samuel Purves
Allison Quackenbush
Lawrence Radler
Radzinski family in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Deanna Rae
Amy and Joe Ragnanese in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Richard and Ruri Kei Ralston
Collette Rand
Elizabeth E. Rands* in memory of William C. Rands III
William C. Rands III**
Jason and Lauren Rapisand
Jason Rasmussen and Patrick Zylka
Kim Rasmussen
Thomas C. Ratchford
Susan Ratzer
John Ray
Peg and Herb Redding in memory of Sharon Cunningham
April Reed
Kim Hesterman Reed
Reedy Simons Family Philanthropic Fund
Coleen Reedy
Timothy J. Regan
Jim and Rita Regis
Caitlin, Marshall and Sharon Reichert in memory of Kathleen C. Bertke
The Reichert Foundation
Candida Miranda
Kevin and Renee Reilly
Kathy Rey
Jason and Patricia Reynolds in honor of Cassie and Joseph Reynolds
Laura Reynolds
Rhode Island Family Campers Association (RIFCA) in memory of John Howard Whitney
The Toni and Don Richards Charitable Fund
Sue Richardson in honor of Lucille Sworst
Irene Rico in honor of Heather Kelley
Risch family in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
Mercedes Ritchey in honor of Heather Kelley
Erik and Jeannine Rittenhouse
Julie and Felipe Rivera
John Robbins
Emilie Wood Robinson
Nichole Robinson
Sheila Robinson in honor of Jala Moore
The Robinson family
Joan and Chris Rockey
Zita Rocky
Megan Roe
Lynn and Corny Roemaat
Caleb, Megan and Brian Roether in honor of Stuart E. White
Michelle Rogers
Tom and Mary Rogers
Howard Roin
Donna Rolf
Kristine Rollwagen in memory of Thomas Barber
Joan E. Romer
Robert and Valerie Rosenberg
Anita Rosenblum
Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation
Norman and Danit Rosenthal
Susan Rosenthal
Nancy and Hal Roseth in honor of Maya Dove Schallman
Dan and Patti Rosinski in memory of Ann Theresa Topalovic
Phyllis and Bruce Rosnes
Kenyatta Williams Ross
The Roth family in honor of Rosemary and Phil White
Jeri and Joel Rothman in honor of Joel Solomon
Joan Routledge in memory of Peggy Schlapper
Todd Rowden in honor of Heather Kelley
Robb and Elizabeth Rowe
Carol Rowells in memory of Jean Flory
Lawrence H. Rubly
Judy and David Rubovits
Arlie Sachs Rubovits Memorial Fund of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Steve and Sue Ruch in memory of Jean Flory
Toyia Rudd
The Rudins in honor of Joe Enright
George and Mary Ruebenson
Trick Runions
Rhoda Runzheimer
The Ruschy family
Ruskin Foundation
Rust-Oleum in honor of The Duha family
The Rutan-Levy family
The Ruthman family in memory of Michael Hayes
Julie Ruxton
Judy Ryan in memory of Falicia Slavik
Patrick Ryan in honor of John Luce
Richard and Rekha Sabel
Besset and Jennifer Sabourin in honor of Elena Sabourin
Jane Sackrison in honor of Susan DeMaris
Chettha and Maureen Saetia
John and Danette Sagat in memory of James Patrick McMahon
Edward and Marianne Salisbury
Peggy Samuelson in honor of Taylor Samuelson
Sanborn Dahling Fund
Nancy Sanborn and Richard Dahling
John W. Sanders
Tim Sanders in memory of Ethyl Anderson
Martin Sandoval
Kathleen Santangelo
John Sapp
Sargent Family Foundation
Gabriele Saure in honor of Heather Kelley
Candace Savalas
Marilynn Savalas
Dean and Arlene Scane
Braeden, Elisa and Palmer Schaefer
Carolyn and Jack Schaefer
Charles Schaefer**
Ed and Katherine Schaefer
Marianne Schapiro in memory of John Fitzpatrick Sullivan
Melissa Schaupp
Joan Z. Scheel
Henry W. Scherer in memory of James Pasternock
Peggy Schlapper*
Michael and Anne Schleich
Jennifer and Michelle Schleppi, Leah Graham, Ryan Lippe and Jacob Speights in memory of Jeanne Stoddart Barends
Triona Schmelter in honor of Heather Kelley
Robert and Janell Schoellhorn in honor of Kaycee Schoellhorn
Michale Scholefield
Anne-Marie Scholer
Sarah Scholl in memory of Deborah and Michael Scholl
Carleen Schreder
Jessica Schreiber in memory of Char Heinemann
Judith Schuelke
Peggy and Robert Schueneman
Jerry Schulman and Mary Falat-Schulman in memory of Michael Walter Schulman
Julie Schuster in memory of Jean Flory
Rick and Mary Schuster in honor of Joel Solomon
Don and Susan Schwartz in honor of Joel Solomon
Steph Schwartz and Lee Warren in honor of Joel Solomon
Wally and Debbie Schwartz in memory of William J. Meyer
Tom Schwoegler
Michael Scolaro
Mark and Jane Scott
Ann M. Searles in honor of Penelope Boardman
Edith Sears
Francis P. Sears, III and Suzanne Sears
Johanne Seeds in memory of Sandy Johnson
Greg Sego and Nick Gehl
Kristin Sellinger
The Selner family in honor of Keon Xavier Selner
Lisa Selner in honor of Keon Xavier Selner
Carol Semrad
Kathleen Senffner
Margaret Sents in honor of Mary Sents
Barbara and Robert Senzig in honor of Geraldine Gaffney
Lawrence and Arlette Seppi
Judy and Tom Serafin
Mary and Bernard Sergesketter
Rabbi Ike Serotta and Ceilanne Libber
The Serrano family in honor of Zariah’s first family
Kathy and Ed Sessions in honor of Elizabeth Kramer
Helen Webb Settle
Sharbel Shamoon
Elaine M. Sharer
Tanya Sharman
Kim and John Shattuck in memory of Jean Ullman Ernsting
Evelyn Shaw
Jane Shaw
Benjamin Shaw in memory of Peggy J. Schlapper
Steve Shepherd
The Sheppel family
Denis and Patricia Shine
Amy Shortal
Sari Shuman
Judith and Thomas Siano
Lerone Sidberry
Corky and Bill Siegfriedt
David Sigel
Denise Silas in honor of Jala and Phoenix Moore
Sarah Silva
Gary Silver in honor of the Herchenbach-Silver family
Michael Silver and Michael Vozzella in honor of the Herchenbach-Silver family
Martin B. Silverman
Simms-Whittle family
Arthur and Donna Simon
Kimberly Simonton
Annie and Cindi Sinnott
The Siragusa Family Foundation
Diane Skrobot Hagler
Ellen Bernstein Slan and Dennis Slan
Charles and Joanne Sleezer in memory of William J. Meyer
Julie and Dave Slezak in memory of Dietmar Grohlich
Cynthia Sloan
Suzanne T. Smart
Sandra Smedinghoff
Mark and Janet Smejkal in memory of John Smejkal and in honor of Lillian Smejkal
Adrian Smith
Candice Smith
Elaine Smith in honor of Graison Smith
Gary H. Smith
Kelly and Kyle Smith
Kim Smith
Lisa Smith
Margaret Smith
Nancy and Terry Smith
Robert T. Smith
John Snyder in memory of Happy and Bill Rands
Victoria and Richard Snyder in memory of Jean Flory
Eric Soderholm
Ann and Bob Soderstrom
Joel and Jessie Solomon
Ladd Solomon
Mary Jane Solomon
Ellen Somberg and Kathy O’Donnell in honor of Carly Somberg
The Sorensen Family Fund in honor of Alyssa Sorensen
Adriana Sormani
Robert C. Spang
Rebecca Spence
Thomas and Judith Spencer
Carol Sperco
Julie Spiller
The Spires family
Spool Marketing and Communications
Maureen and Greg Sprich in memory of Renee Maggos
Michelle Spruit
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Anthony Stallone
The Stancampiano family in honor of Baylie
Tanya Stanish
Cakes Stanley
Carl and Barbara Stanley Charitable Trust
Phil Stanley
Greg and Janice Stanmar
Stacy Shein Stapleton
Anne P. Stark
Monica Stasek
Catherine Stebbins in memory of William D. Sutherland
John and Lisa Steele in memory of William J. Meyer
Michael Steele
Roger Steimel in honor of Emma Nicholls
Maribeth Stein in memory of Phyllis Ponder
Donald and Arlene Steinhagen
Steven and Laura Lynn Stelter
Paula Stendel
Rhonda Stenzinger
Polly and Tom Stilp
Holly and Richard Stover in memory of John Whitney
Debra Strandhagen
Loreen Strasser in honor of Jeanne Enright
Karen Stroble
Charise Studesville
Teresa Stultz
Lindsay Sudol in honor of Heather Kelley
Michael Sullivan
Jill and Timothy Sullivan
Maurice Sullivan in memory of John F. Sullivan and Mary Anne Cappo
Nancy E. Sullivan in memory of Timothy Sullivan
Jennifer Sutherland
Gregory Sutton
Judith Sutton in honor of Annie and James Sutton
Lorna Sutton
Susan J. Swanson
Peggy and Jim Swartchild in honor of Joel Solomon
Julie Swedarsky
Dave and Linda Swengel
Gerald A. Swick
Mark and Mary Swiderski
Lucille Sworst
Jerome and Alicia Szeszol
John and Beth Tabacsko in honor of Kay and Ellie
Bryan Tam
Tam in honor of Joel Solomon
Rose Tan in memory of Dietmar Grohlich
Whitney Tancred
Pam Tancredi
John B. Tarpey Jr.
Grayson, Grady and Grant Taylor in honor of Jim, Mary, Corry and Jimmy Connelly
Anne Ross Taylor and Mark Taylor
Bob and Lisa Taylor in honor of Jim Connelly
Brian Taylor
Robert Taylor in honor of Jim Connelly
Susan and Tom Temple
Barbara Templeman
Susan Templeton
Barbara H. Terepin in memory of Richard Terepin
John Theobald in honor of Mary Theobald
Dale Thomas
Kathleen Thomas
Phyllis Scholl Thomas and Alan Curtis
Darren and Sherece Thompson
Susan and Herbert Douglas Thornley
Mieke Thorson
The Thursday Evening Club of Pittsfield, MA in memory of John H. Whitney
Jack Thurston
T.T. and Brian Tigges in memory of Jim McMahon
Frank P. Tighe Jr. in memory of Jane Mary Finn Tighe
David Timonen
Kathy Tisdahl in honor of Penelope Savalas Boardman
Carolyn Marie Tocks
John, Carolyn, Matt and Sarah Tocks
Michael and Julia Toepfer in honor of Julian Haley Toepfer
Christine and Peter Haley Toepfer
Nancy Tomb in honor of The Markowitz family
Lisa Townsend
William D. Trainor, M.D.
Bettye Traylor
Phyllis Treff
Melissa Jenco Trice in memory of Michael Hayes
John and Mary Tris
Karen Troogstad in memory of Jim McMahon
Michael and Christine Samonds
James and Betty Tsiolis in memory of Renee Maggos
Laurina Tucker
Kim and Joe Tullo
Susan and John Turben
Julie Tye in honor of Joel Solomon
Ethel Tyus
The Uhlenhop family
S.P. Ullman
Michael and Debbie Urman
Marc and Erica Urquhart
Frank and Patricia Uxa
John Van Horn
Sarah Van Steenburg
John and Eleanor Howard Vance
John and Barb Vande Werken in memory of Barbara Ottenhoff
Daniel Vangen
Molly and David Jarmusz in honor of Carol VanRemortel
Jan Vartzikos
Sarah Farmer Vasen on behalf of J. Stephen Vasen**
Ashvin Veligandla
Tom and Sharon Venchus
Cindy Verhoek Insurance Agency
Joseph Verrillo
Vesely Family Fund
Michael and Karen Vetri
Kathleen Villano
Heather and Ross Vittore in memory of Dolores Jean Ernsting
Virginia Voedisch
Dolores VanderHaar
Vortex Foundation
Carol Vroom in honor of Corry and Jim Connelly
Richard Vukson in memory of Sabra Patterson
Carol Waddell in memory of Stuart and Douglas Waddell
Patricia and Norm Wagner in honor of Marcantonio, Joseph, Caterina, Luca and Luna
Danielle Wagner
Karen Winquist Waligorski
Keisha Walker
Janet Smith Walker
John and Donna Walker in memory of Renee Maggos
Linda and Allan Walker
Rod and Maggie Walker
Trish and Harold Wallace in honor of Will and Heather Kelley
Katie and John Wallor
Steve and Mary Walrath
John P. Walsh in honor of Heather Kelley
Kally Walsh in honor of Heather Kelley
Nancy Walrath Walsworth
Deborah and Gary Irwin Walt in memory of Dr. Richard C. Burnstine
Hilary Ward
Sue B. Ward
Willa B. Ward
Linda K. Warren
Jaclyn Warrick in honor of Mary and Mike Phenner
Janet Wasilewski
Water Street Healthcare Partners
Bill and June Watson in memory of Donna Oehler
Welsey and Myra Watson in honor of Lydia Watson
Sandra and Anthony Wawczak in memory of Lisa Wawczak
Gregory Wayne
Joseph Wear
Allison Weatherly in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Margaret and Michael Weaver
Jack and Marie Weber
Lynne and David B. Weinberg in honor of Joel Solomon
Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation
Denny and Mary Jo Weisert
John and Ellen Welk in memory of Jim Pasternock
Kieren Welsh-Phillips
Donna Werner
Carol and Lou Westol in honor of Jerry Bear
Westview Elementary School in memory of Daylin Maentanis
Michele Wetzel Hillman
Simone O. Wheeler, C.F.R.E.
Stephen and Bridget Whisdosh
Karen and Gerald Whitacre
Stuart and Suzanne White
Carolynn White in memory of Bob and Kevin White
Duncan and Kelley White
Gordon White in honor of Stuart and Suzie White
Philip and Rosemary White
W.P. & H.B. White Foundation
Drew Whitehead
Paula Wienkoop in memory of Glenn Wienkoop
Jason Wilcox in honor of Matthew Wilcox
Robert and Jayne Wilcox
Mary Wilheit
Timothy Wilhelm
George S. Wilkins
Faye Williams
Elizabeth Williams in honor of Andrea Herchenbach
Jeffrey Williams in honor of Aljur Williams
Marlon Williamson
Edna M. Wilson in memory of Kenneth M. Wilson
India Wilson
Marcia and Mark Wilson
Owen and Mary Wilson
Veronica Wilson
Sharon Wilson-Taylor and Dwight Taylor
Skip and Kathy Windsor in memory of John H. Whitney
Margaret and William Winters
William and Donna Wittert
Mark and Diane Wnek
Arthur Wnuk
Chau Woeste
Richard, Joan, Ben and Josh Wolff in honor of Joel Solomon
Robert and Wendy Wolff in memory of Ann and Arnie Wolff
Norman Wolowicki
John Wonak
The Rev. Robert L. Woodbury in honor of Joanna Claire Woodbury
Karen Woodbury in honor of Joanna Woodbury
Gretchen Woodruff
Allison and Rob Woods
David and Maureen Wozniak
Margaret and John Wright Jr.
Kirk and Mary Wulf
Dr. Lewin* and Lillie Wyatt
Lillie Wyatt in memory of Dr. Lewin Wyatt Jr.
Mary Wyman
Cara, Neva and Santosh Yajnik
Julia Yaklich in memory of John and Doris Baggesen
Tracy Yannias in memory of Renee Maggos
Christina Yeh
Jaime Yeh in honor of Heather Kelley
Gregory Yore and Nicole Karbowski
Dallas Young Jr.
Derrick Young
George A. Young Jr.
Myla Young
Nijole Yutkowitz
Sylvia Zaldivar
The Zambianchi family
Jill Zaretsky in honor of Anne Bode
Theresa and Vincent Zaworski
David and Christine Zebrack
Gary and Marybeth Zielinski
Bridget and Alec Zocher
Kurt Zoller
Casandra Zufelt
Annette Roder-Zulawski and David Zulawski
Mary Zupansic
Healthcare Partners
Many hospitals, health departments, medical clinics and community social service organizations have collaborated with The Cradle to support patients/clients who have considered adoption or have placed a child for adoption. We are grateful for their partnership.
Education and Engagement Partners
The Cradle is so grateful for the friends who help us provide high-quality, engaging community education programs.
Christy Beighe-Byrne
Miracle Beighe-Byrne
Ian Brock
Michael Brock
Cosette Eisenhauer
Jhorna Hochstedler
Kelly Fair
JD Glienna
Dr. Brooke Jackson
Jahkil Jackson
Elizabeth Jacobs
Amanda McKinstry
DeAnna McLeary-Sherman
Iisha Scott
Ivey Smith
Na-Tae’ Thompson
Ryan Whitacre
Abbott Labs
Andersen Tax
Bank of America
Best Buy
BMO Financial Group
Comcast NBC Universal
CSAA Insurance Exchange
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Johnson Controls
JPMC Foundation
KPMG Gives c/o Bergen County’s United Way
Motorola Solutions
PNC Foundation
Raytheon Technologies
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
United Way of Lake County
Wipfli Foundation, Inc
Cards for Causes
CharityChoice Charity Gift Certificates
Thank you to the nearly 500 friends and families who joined us to celebrate 99 years of adoption stories during the virtual live stream of our documentary Stories from the Red Couch on February 26, 2022!
Produced By
Cinema Relics
Featured Cradle Families
Bode family
Coupet family
Dumas family
Keblusek family
Kihoi family
Lassar-Maslanka family
Love family
Markowitz family
Sabourin family
Featured Speakers
Dan Lanigan, producer, and family
Brandis Friedman, WTTW Chicago Tonight
Event Co-Chairs
Corry Connelly
Penelope Savalas Boardman
The Connelly family
Penelope Savalas Boardman
Aristotle Foundation (Telly Savalas Family Memorial Fund)
Kimberly Simonton
Nancy Sanborn and Richard Dahling
John, Doug and Aidan Luce
Water Street Healthcare Partners
Mary Ann Hays
HPS Chicago
Jerry and Kathy Biederman
The Bode family
J’ai and Frank Brown
Tom and Mary Rogers
Alexandra Brady
Michelle and Travis Kubly
Julia Paster
Natasha Brown Love
Liz Page Associates
Bridget and Alec Zocher
Chuck and Helen Blouir
Robert and Lisa Taylor
Lesser Lutrey Pasquesi & Howe
Meg Lassar and Jason Maslanka
Jeff and Susan Jacobs
Matthew and Mandy McDermott
Donald and Jane Barringer
Don and Martha Pollak
Priscilla Kersten
Stephen and Bridget Whisdosh
Watch Party Hosts
The Bode family
Kimberly Simonton and John Luce
Jane and Neil Cummins
Promotional & Technical Support
J. Sherman Studio
Liz Page Associates
The Cradle Legacy Society includes those who have made a commitment to the future of The Cradle and to support individuals and families touched by adoption. Legacy Society members can include The Cradle in their estate plan through a bequest in a will or living trust, a charitable gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust, or as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan or other arrangement. The Cradle Legacy Society also includes friends of The Cradle whose memory inspired support of our programs in lieu of flowers at the time of their passing.
Margaret M. Adams
Hall Adams Jr.
W.R. Adams Jr.
Judith Albers
Larry and Jane Austermiller
Constance and James Balaguer
Mary Elizabeth Berry
Penelope Salavas Boardman
John J. Cahill II
Robert P. Carpenter
Cynthia A. Cummings
Paula Dix
Judith Eissler
Richard D. Ford
Andrew M. Franklin
Shizuko Fulk
John D. Gabor
Mary Ann Hays
Ralph E. Heim
Chip Holman
Ronald J. Jaszczak
Pamela Jones Del Vecchio
Dennis H. Kelly
Robert B. Kennedy
Daylin Nohemi Maentanis
Diane Mall
Arlene Mesnard
Richard F. Mills
Sidney C. Mott
Jon C. and Julie Neustadt
Edith B. Parker
Charles Paulk
Michael E. Phenner
Elizabeth Rands
William Rands
Kevin P. Reilly
Colleen and Charles Remsberg
Mary and Thomas Rogers
Charles Schaefer
Suzanne and James Schlindwein
Katherine Schoellhorn
Sevill Schofield, Jr. and Virginia Schofield
Dave Schuelke
Donald and Marilyn Shaikewitz
Kimberly Simonton
Falicia C. Slavik
Ellie Sullivan
Stephen Vasen
Karin Fidrych West
Dr. Lewin J. Wyatt Jr.
Call our 24-hour toll-free number to speak to a Cradle counselor
800-CRADLE4 (800-272-3534)
Text CRADLE to 66746
Have a General Inquiry?
Call 847-475-5800
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Schedule a Call with our Cradle staff to learn how our adoption agency can support you.
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