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Licensing & Accreditations

The Cradle is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3). The Cradle is non-sectarian, working with clients from all religious affiliations as well as all races and ethnicities.

State of Illinois

The Cradle is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3). The Cradle is non-sectarian, working with clients from all religious affiliations as well as all races and ethnicities.

State of Indiana

We are also licensed in Indiana to provide Expectant Parent Services. Our Indiana license number is 53866.
Indiana License


The Cradle is accredited by the International Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) to provide intercountry adoption services. The U.S. State Department has designed IAAME as the accrediting entity to ensure that U.S. accredited agencies perform their duties in an ethical and transparent manner.  Accreditation is both a significant achievement and a powerful promise. It means that we have met rigorous internationally recognized standards of excellence in the quality of services and organizational operations. These standards reflect the principles and values found in the Hague Adoption Convention (Convention) and the International Adoption Act (IAA). The Cradle is currently accredited through July 2026; we have maintained accreditation since the program’s inception. IAAME Certificate